
Showing posts from March, 2010
别人交待的事作到就好。念文献、这类背景的事自己要抓紧时间作,别人不会给你留时间的。 --Dan



"What makes ice melt?"

Sasha asked, and I was speechless. I couldn't answer.

Happy recent findings, science-wise

Realized the possible connection/difference between Yukawa potential and DLVO potentil, though not yet confirmed with someone who knows these, that we might have assumed that particles have 0 radius, and then the kappa dependence of the prefactor in the e^(-kappa r)/r potential disappears. That's Yukawa? If we keep the finite size of the particles, we will have kappa dependence, and that makes DLVO potential? Realized the asymptotic behavior of DLVO potential in the large NND and small Z limit that reduces to Coulomb potential. In this light the seemingly weird behaviors of DLVO are de-mystified. It's a very strongly charged and very packed (distances small) system after all. When this kind of thing, 伊林's comes up: “物理是愈念愈少的。”

張大春 -- 〈揍〉

When I was reading this on the bus, I couldn't help but laughed. 吼孩子當然意味著警告,我的父親在動手修理我之前慣用的詞兒是:「我看你是差不多了。」在這之前是「你是有點兒過意不去了,我看。」在這之前則是:「叫你媽說這就是要捱揍了。」三部曲,從來沒有換過或是錯亂過台詞。至於我母親,沒有那麼多廢話,她就是一句:「你要我開戒了嗎?」 張大春,〈揍〉from 《認得幾個字》。


Work as if you won't be able to continue it the next second.