Feeling sad about how opinions are being controlled (or suppressed) in China. My lady lately found that she couldn't add item of read book and/or broadcast any piece of thought (like what's on your mind on Facebook) on her favorite website about books, music and movies. Those functions seemed to be disabled all through. It's a Chinese website. Later she realized, "Oh, it's about 21st anniversary of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989."
給我的 hp tablet
一年多來, 我對你不好嗎? 我灌了太多應用程式讓你不舒服嗎? firefox開了太多分頁讓你太累了嗎? 我桌面上的檔案太多讓你心情鬱悶嗎? 你先是把current task bars藏起來不讓我看到我現在開了什麼程式, 然後開機以後就不讓我聽音樂, 現在是不讓我無線上網。 回家讓你水土不服嗎? 真邪門, 為什麼一回家就要鬧脾氣? 這裡痛那裡痠就說一大堆錯誤關閉程式的話, Come on, 我只是想上網和朋友聊聊天, 只是用瀏覽器、打字而已, 不是要你跑程式去算form factor, 我承認前陣子緊急的時候是有要你連夜趕工跑了幾天程式, 那…也只是幾天而已啊。 幾前天我讓你休息好久, 到晚上才開機收信, 你都要鬧個不停, 我一個晚上重開機不下十次吧。 你一開機就來個不出聲無線網路掛點, 有幾次還windows秀出來就當機。 為什麼要這樣對我?
"read" is used as a past participle. "broadcast" is in the structure of "add ... and ... broadcast ...". Right?