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Showing posts from 2010
Ameritips -- change of address
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Set up mail forwarding from old to new address online through USPS ($1.00 charge) Important places to call/email to notify change of address: Bank (checking and credit card accounts) University (payroll and international SEVIS) Driver's license center Insurance company (car and health insurance) Cell phone network Internet company (it should go without saying, if you find yourself "disconnected" in your new apartment) Not so important place to notify the change of address: Coupon senders Catalog senders
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Feeling sad about how opinions are being controlled (or suppressed) in China. My lady lately found that she couldn't add item of read book and/or broadcast any piece of thought (like what's on your mind on Facebook) on her favorite website about books, music and movies. Those functions seemed to be disabled all through. It's a Chinese website. Later she realized, "Oh, it's about 21st anniversary of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989."
TIME - Least Influential People of 2010 by Joel Stein
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Taipei 101 Ex–tallest building in the world On Jan. 4, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai made the Taipei 101 irrelevant. You think little boys read the Guinness Book of World Records and ask their dads, "One day, do you think I can go to the top of the second tallest building in the world?" Read more:,28804,1984685_1985389_1985284-6,00.html#ixzz0o1uiYKM9
TA evaluation
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Have seen the TA evaluation for the Spring term, for Phys0110, Introduction to Physics for health-related majors. A bit surprised to see some improve on the students' comments and performance averages, since I thought I put less effort on TA this term. Most of the comments are pretty positive, though still some complaining my English is hard to understand. But when seeing that they like the recitations, I felt it's all worth the effort. Every time in the mid of the term, I felt like "NO, I am not doing this anymore!", but upon seeing the encouraging comments, (well if not so much research work ahead), I feel like doing TA again! Like a senior friend of mine in the group, now an instructor in a college, told me that research is most of the time frustrating, but for teaching, you will quickly see the reward.
For Mother's Day, it's the "Top Ten Pieces of Advice For Being a Good Mother."
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10. Even if you're not, say you're proud. 9. Don't stare at the hairpiece. 8. Kids love construction sites. 7. Lower your expectation. 6. When your child won't stop crying, say, "enough, David, you're 63!" 5. To keep baby company, how about a raccoon? 4. If he learns to shoot pool, he'll never go hungry. 3. There's no better babysitter than television. 2. No matter how much he begs, don't go to the prom with him. 1. Once they're 18, they ain't your problem.
Happy recent findings, science-wise
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Realized the possible connection/difference between Yukawa potential and DLVO potentil, though not yet confirmed with someone who knows these, that we might have assumed that particles have 0 radius, and then the kappa dependence of the prefactor in the e^(-kappa r)/r potential disappears. That's Yukawa? If we keep the finite size of the particles, we will have kappa dependence, and that makes DLVO potential? Realized the asymptotic behavior of DLVO potential in the large NND and small Z limit that reduces to Coulomb potential. In this light the seemingly weird behaviors of DLVO are de-mystified. It's a very strongly charged and very packed (distances small) system after all. When this kind of thing, 伊林's comes up: “物理是愈念愈少的。”
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Maybe your boss is a little bit push. Maybe your sleep time is a little bit short. Maybe there are many things annoying you. But if there is just 3 or 4 minutes, a time for a piece of music you like, groove. Nod your head, shake your head, or whatever with your head. Even better, sing as though no one can hear you. Dance as though no one is watching you. “Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.”
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想起來覺得神奇,我家以前是有一座工廠的。 那是一座吃稻子的大機器,大部分是木製的(當時,連樓板樓梯都是),把一袋袋的帶壳稻子吃進去,然後一邊吐稻殼子(好像叫粗的米糠),一邊吐一粒粒的白米出來。沒記錯的話,佔地大概上下兩層樓各約20平方米。 家父早年前事碾米事業,幫別人把收割下來的稻子"變"成白米。我模糊地記得爸爸的input and output,偶爾被他叫去幫忙"牽袋子",抓著粗大的袋子從機器的口中接下白米(只有爸爸把大槽的柵門拉開時才有晶白的米刷刷地涌出來,我平時偷偷地去開都只有小米糠的碎屑),或是把糟糠裝袋送出去。不過大多數的時間是在碾米廠的上層閒晃,在爸爸身邊鬧。 嗯,僅限於爸爸在工廠幹活的時候,我敢在"上層"玩耍。至於下層,我一個人時頂多走下幾階通向下層的木梯,向著一片漆黑的工廠瞄一眼就像老鼠一樣跑了。在上層玩皮球、小棒球若是不小心從樓梯掉下去,那今天的遊戲就結束了。等下回爸爸在時再請他幫忙撿。下層,對我來說是個陰暗的角落。 後來,工廠舊了,爸爸的工作忙了,就把工廠給拆了。仿佛記得在考慮這事的時候爸爸也不無惋惜。還有親戚建議爸爸把整個機器移到別處去搞個博物館。 小時候覺得沒什麼,大了想想覺得家裡有這麼一台玩具是很有趣的事。不過現在打馬後炮,可以從當時的我就知道我不會是大科學家或大工程師了。我似乎從來不曾問過爸爸機器是怎麼幫一粒一粒小小的稻子"剝皮"的。沒有想過碾米的整個過程,連米的動線都沒有。若我現在的回憶寫的是"我當時就想著米粒經過小窗口時發生堵塞的機率、改進某部分的熱排放以增進效率和人力資源與成本的最佳化",也許… 這是我小時候的play house(play ground + haunting house),是爸爸白天從學校回來後晚上加班的地方。當時爸爸也許留不住這台玩具。我希望有錢了,回去跟爸爸說,我想買下這座小小的工廠,讓我玩,讓我害怕一下,讓我再看看這台機器怎麼"變"出白米的。
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我們能愛別人勝過自己嗎? 愛是差不多的付出、相當程度的犧牲, 或,必須是超過對自己的好? 愛的目的是什麼? 是什麼讓人繼續愛? 是什麼讓人繼續愛著同一個人? 愛的原因是喜歡嗎? 愛有條件嗎? 以下是英語翻譯習作: Is "self" what one lives for after all? Can we love other(s) more than ourselves? Is love a "moderate" giving or must a love beyond loving ourselves? What's the purpose of love? What keeps people continue loving? What keeps people continue loving someone? Is the cause of love "like"? Is there a "condition" for love?